At the CU

Our Story

History Of Clonakilty & Dunmanway Credit Union Ltd. (Formerly Muintir Clanna Caoilte Credit Union Ltd)

The Credit Union Difference

Established in 1960, Clonakilty & Dunmanway Credit Union is proud of its heritage and continues to be governed by our members and voluntary Board of Directors.

Our Story

The first AGM was held on 4th October 1966 in O’Donovan’s Hotel, Pearse Street, Clonakilty. Rev. Monsignor John Barrett PP attended and mentioned the following – how he had been on a visit to the USA with Bishop Lucey I 1959 and while there saw the success of the Credit Union Movement. He collected as much information as he could and gave it to Archdeacon Duggan who started the first Credit Union that was south of Dublin. This was Ballyphehane in Cork City, in 1960.

Rev Fr. Tom O’Riordan also attended and said the following “the purpose of a Credit Union is to encourage savings and to afford its members an opportunity to borrow for provident or productive purposes at a reasonable rate of interest”.

The Credit Union in Clonakilty started from a suggestion made at a meeting of the Clonakilty branch of Muintir Na Tíre, (hence the name Muintir Clanna Caoilte Credit Union Ltd). After this a study group was formed, and weekly meetings were held. Their purpose was to study bylaws and the running of the Credit Union.

Mr S O’Brien (Skibbereen Credit Union) and Mr CMcCann (Bandon Credit Union) also attended the first AGM and were thanked for their help in starting up Clonakilty Credit Union.

In 2002, the credit union office moved from Pearse Street to it’s present location in Kent Street, Clonakilty.

In January 2023,  the engagements of Dunmanway Credit Union transferred in Muintir Clanna Caoilte Credit Union and in May 2023, Muintir Clanna Caoilte Credit Union changed it’s name to Clonakilty & Dunmanway Credit Union.

Board of Directors

From this Study Group, a Board of Directors was elected at the first AGM. The following people were elected:

PresidentRev Fr Tom O’Riordan CC
Vice-PresidentMr Paul Blewitt
TreasurerMr Michael McCarthy
Hon. SecretaryMr Donal O’Reilly
Other Board MembersMiss Kitty Smith(McCarthy)
Mr Martin Patwell
Mr Shamie O’Donovan
Mr Dan (Dash) Donovan
Mr Dan O’Hea

*some officers were elected for two years, others for one year.

Credit Committee:Mr Martin Patwell
Mr Shamie O’Donovan
Mr Dan (Dash) Donovan
Supervisory Committee:Mr Michael O’Donovan (Darby) 2yrs
Sergt. T Horan 1yr
Mr J Creedon 1yr